Access to credit Access to health care Afforestation Antibiotic use Assets Bycatch Carbon sequestration Child labor Climate change adaptation/resilience Collective bargaining Community development and infrastructure Conflict resolution Consumer preferences Conversion and protection of non-forest natural ecosystems Cost of inputs Deforestation and forest protection Ecosystem quality Education Ethical labelling Fertilizers Fish stock health Food security Forced or bonded labor Forest fires Free prior and informed consent Freedom of association GHG emissions Governance mechanisms Grievance redressal Habitat for plants and wildlife Habitat fragmentation or connectivity Household Income (net) Income diversification Invasive species Knowledge Land rights Land tenure Market access Nutrition Occupational health and safety Payment for ecosystem services Pesticides and herbicides Price premiums Product income (gross and net) Progress out of Poverty index Quality of product Rare, threatened and endangered species Riparian areas Sales of product Shade cover (in agroforestry crops) Soil erosion Soil health Species composition Sustainability Claims Sustainable sourcing Traceability Training Wages WASH Waste disposal Water quality Water use efficiency Willingness-to-pay Working hours Yield